Monday 30 August 2010

Gina - Reflective Diary

Today's activity was about relationships and what the young people class as a relationship. They had to work as small groups to identify, what is a relationship? What is a good and bad relationship. Then what they thought were the 5 most important things in good and bad relationships. They also gave us a mini history session on the German history and had very strong views on it. I was quite surprised at some of the young people view as a relationship and why they picked them for the five important things in a relationship. I enjoyed the mini history lesson and what the young people thought about their country's history. I've learnt that the young people in Germany believe that sex is important in a relationship, regardless if it was enjoyable or not. I also learnt a bit more about the Germany history which as made me want to do my own research on it. My next session is going to be on sex, S.T.I's and contraception. On my last day in Germany I would like to do a presentation on one of the countries that my family is from and let the young people do a presentation on Germany.

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